Monday, September 23, 2013

  1.    Grief is the tragic feeling of remorse and vast emptiness that often occurs after a devastating loss. It is most commonly experienced after a long stretch of time, gradually becoming more severe with each day. It is usually psychological, though it may arise from an event that is not. Grief is not easily avoidable, and one must undergo the grieving process in order to heal.  Grief is not merely sadness, but it is a state of complete dejection combined with hollow and disconsolate feelings.

   2.   When I was eight years old, I could tell you, without a hint of doubt on my face, that my fish were the best pets any little girl could ask for. I loved to watch them race to the surface of their fish tank to nibble the flakes I so lovingly sprinkled for them.  They were my pride as well as my friends. One unfortunate day however, my dad awoke me with some bad news in store. One of my fish had died. At that moment, my eyes shot wide open, and I rushed downstairs, unwilling to believe my father.  My hopes were dashed instantly as soon as I saw the fish tank. Even after we had buried my fish in the garden bed, my grief was still evident. I cried and sat alone in my room, dejected. It seemed to me at the time that I would never be happy again. But as time passed, I gradually learned to better manage my emotions, and am happy to say that I am now healed.

  3.    Grief is not easily classifiable, and there exist several divisions and stages to aid those who desire specialized information and help for their grief. One such division, anticipatory grief, occurs before a calamity. Another division of grief, healthy grief, requires physical and mental energy to cope with changes.  Absent grief on the other hand, is grief without the exhibition physical or emotional symptoms. Unresolved grief occurs when one is so emotionally scarred, that he or she cannot undergo a healthy grieving process. Complicated grief is most seen when symptoms are never truly resolved.
   4.    A single event can inspire grief in different people in various ways. For example, in the TV movie ‘After Jimmy’, each member of Jimmy’s family exhibits and handles grief associated with Jimmy’s death in a unique way. Jimmy’s mom is very emotional and psychologically stressed, and is often shown bawling and having fits of frustration at the very mention of her son. Jimmy’s dad on the other hand, is definitely glummer than before the death, but he seems to be handling his emotions and grief in a healthy way that allows him to continue to be a competent member of the workforce.

    5.   Grief takes a considerable toll on people both physically and emotionally. A tightness in the throat and heaviness in the chest are not uncommon symptoms to those experiencing grief.  Often, one feels dizzy and senseless, unable to think rationally. At times, even the most mouth-watering and delectable treats seem unappetizing, becoming more of a chore than a desire. When the anniversary of the calamity approaches, one can feel the tears well up in his or her eyes and can feel the natural smile turning into an unavoidable frown.



  1. 1. Definition
    2. Narration
    3. Classification/division
    4. example
    5. cause and effect

  2. 1. Definition
    2. Narration
    3. Classification
    4. Example
    5. Descriptive

  3. 1. Definition
    2. Narration
    3. Classification
    4. Example
    5. Descriptive
